By Megan Golightly | Read time: 4 min
As parents, we face the challenge of helping our children declutter and let go of everything from toys and clothes to art and old school projects. While we might see removing these items as a necessary step to creating peaceful homes, it can be really hard for our children to detach from their items. There are, however, thoughtful approaches and strategies that will guide your children into building healthy decluttering habits.
Kids Follow by...
By Megan Golightly | Read time: 2 min
I track all my to-dos on a notepad. And whenever I complete a task, I feel a thrill as I check it off the list. Although, I won't be getting rid of my notepads anytime soon, there are so many other ways to go digital. And there are excellent reasons to do that. If you’re already paperless, then this blog post isn’t for you (and good for you, by the way) but if you’re curious about transitioning from a life filled...
Spring is in the air! And what typically follows, with longer days and budding trees, is the overwhelming sense of needing to get things in order. All of a sudden your closet screams for structure, you’re thankful the cupboards have doors, and stacks of paper just keep piling up. When we look at our house the tasks seem daunting and impossible. We may even criticize ourselves which only paralyzes us and prevents us from getting started. If you’re having a hard time...